from the blog

Career Advice

There are several different approaches you can take to build out your resume but we’ve found these to be most successful.

The Best Combination Resume Style for 2021
Resume Tips

The Best Combination Resume Style for 2021

In Parts 1 & 2 of the series, we’ve looked at the Reverse Chronological Resume and the Functional Resume. The Reverse Chronological Resume lists your pertinent professional roles, starting with your most recent position and working backward from there. In the Functional Resume, your primary skills and accomplishments are highlighted

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The Three Styles of Resumes (Part 2 of 3) The Functional Resume Langley Writing Services
Resume Tips

The Best Functional Resume Style for 2021

In Part 1 of this series, we looked at The Reserve Chronological Resume, ideal for those with a steady school and career record, looking to advance in their existing field or the fields of law and academia. Click here to read Part 1. In Part 2, we will be looking

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Reverse Chronological Resume
Resume Tips

The Best Reverse Chronological Resume for 2021

This post is the first in the series, Three Styles of Resumes. You can find Part 2 and Part 3 here. The Three Styles of Resumes (Part 1 of 3) When it comes to preparing your resume, there are three different styles you can choose from: the reverse chronological, the

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ATS (Advanced Tracking System)
Resume Tips

What is an ATS? How to Beat the System Bots with Your Resume

Have you heard about Applicant Tracking Systems or ATS? Are you confident that your resume will reach the hands of the hiring decision-maker and be read by a living, breathing person? If you’ve applied for a job online, it’s probable that your application has gone through an Applicant Tracking System.

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Three Interviews
Cover Letters

BAM! Three Interviews in 2 Weeks

Have you been looking for work and not getting any calls? Is your current resume working for you? I had a client contact me this week to do a quick resume refresh, and he updated me on his results. Brian initially contacted me in October 2019 as he was struggling

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college graduate resume

How to Help a New College Graduate Launch their Career

Last week while attending a business workshop, I was stunned… almost speechless. During the introductions, we were asked about our business. I shared that this week one of my resume service appointments is to help a college graduate prepare a resume as they prepared to enter the workforce with a

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Further reading