How to Help a New College Graduate Launch their Career

Last week while attending a business workshop, I was stunned… almost speechless.

During the introductions, we were asked about our business. I shared that this week one of my resume service appointments is to help a college graduate prepare a resume as they prepared to enter the workforce with a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Finance. The recent grad’s Mom called me to set it up and is covering the cost.

One of the young entrepreneurs at the workshop was shocked. She was surprised that anyone’s parent would fund a resume, cover letter package, or interview prep for their kids.  She exclaimed that she was taught in high school how to do resumes.

Hmmmm … I found this perspective very interesting.

Although youth are being taught in school or university how to do resumes, in my opinion, they are not being taught correctly. As a resume writer, I come across many “old school” resumes and I see them because they don’t work and the person or their parent is coming to me for help!

Recently, I had a parent contact me regarding their son who completed an Engineering Degree. Two years ago he sent out resumes with zero call backs. The resume was not correct… did not quantify his skills and achievements… and was NOT persuasive. I am regularly contacted by parents, friends, relatives, husbands, and wives to help their loved one find work or land a promotion.

This situation reminds me of the old adage “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” If you really want to help someone… set them up for success! My clients learn what to track, how to quantity their skill set, and how to kill in an interview.

A professional, well written, and persuasive resume is foundational for long term career success. A small investment now pays off big time. A great resume and cover letter will provide income for years to come. Interview coaching builds confidence and will ensure landing a job!

If you want to help a young person succeed…teach them to fish and give the gift of a professional resume service.

Do you need/want to help your friend, child, or family member launch their career with confidence?

Give me a call for a quote 778.878.6210 or fill out the contact form.

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