6 Tips if You’ve Been Downsized or Promoted and Need to Write Your Resume


Have you been downsized and need to write a resume? Did an opportunity just pop up for a promotion and you need to update your resume? Does your current resume just need a shine and polish?

Before you get get started here are 6 tips to help you write a killer resume.

1. Have your current job description in front of you.

Although your current job description is probably not complete and may be out of date, it will contain information about what kinds of tasks you do every day. The job description or role responsibilities are a great starting point to develop persuasive language and remind you of what you actually do! And while you’re at it, check out this post about old school resume writing tips you’ll want to drop!

2. List any projects that you have worked on.

Special projects may be outside the daily scope of your work. Projects are an excellent way to prove your skill set. As an example, a trades person can create a “Project Page” to define scope of work. A project page contains full and detailed information about work performed and is used outside the resume as a supporting document. I recommend keeping a file on your laptop to note your out of the ordinary projects and achievements.

3. Professional experience section.

This is the meat of the resume. Start with a list of all companies going back 15 years. The company does not need a full list of all your jobs going back to babysitting or lawn mowing as a teenager. UNLESS, you are applying to become a Police Officer or Fire Fighter. Most police and fire fighting organizations want details of all paid employment. Don’t forget to update your LinkedIn profile too.

4. Quantify, quantify, quantify!

It’s not enough to list your daily tasks. You must PROVE your skill set using specific and measurable achievements. There are many ways to quantify achievements. For example, an administrative professional who compiles reports would define how many reports, how often, what kinds of reports, how many pages, and the results of the reports.

5. List all education relevant to your goal.

I have found that many clients have a narrow view of education and only want to list college degrees or trades certifications. Start by listing all courses, seminars, lunch and learns, and online courses. Then narrow down the list by deleting irrelevant courses. You must list the governing body, course name, and date. If you hold certifications that expire, note the expiration dates. By the way, anything expired should be removed from your resume.

6. Volunteer experience can help you land an interview!

If you don’t volunteer, now is the time to start! Companies appreciate candidates who are community minded. Briefly outline your achievements and what you accomplished. If you “Run for the Cure” talk about how much $$ you have raised, how often, and your role on the team.

Once you have gathered all the relevant material, you will be ready to hand the info over to a professional resume writer or tackle it on your own. And now that you’ve got these tips under your belt, check out the blog, I wrote two posts,  one for women about what to wear to your next job interview and one for men.

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