Resumes: Objective Statements are Dead. Use These Instead!

interview preparation services

Objective statements are old school.

The employer knows your objective when you are applying for the posting…you want the job!

Objective statements are no longer used on resumes, instead, we use a “Summary of Qualifications” or an “Executive Summary.”

The problem is choosing which one is more effective to land an interview, promotion, or a new job. The answer depends directly on your career goal and the postings you are applying for. Let’s start with defining the qualities of a Summary of Qualifications and an Executive Summary when you are refreshing your resume.

A Summary of Qualifications is a bulleted list of 5 or 6 statements summarizing your skill set and achievements. It can include generalities of how your skill match the job posting…soft skills that meet the employer’s need. It is vital that your statements are proven through the Professional Experience section! What is listed here is personalized for the employer and language in how you will help the employer not how the employer will help you achieve your career goals. We use a summary of qualifications for entry level jobs to middle management.

An Executive Summary is a short paragraph at the top of your resume that quickly summarizes what makes you the right candidate for the job. We recommend 5- 7 punchy sentences that highlights your most relevant strengths and experiences and make the best case for why you are uniquely qualified for the job. We use executive summaries for clients in sales, middle and upper management.

A resume is a marketing document…to sell yourself and why you should land the interview. It is vital that the top of the resume invites the reader to review the entire document. The goal for our clients is for potential employers to be nodding their heads and thinking yes…I need to know more… and then scheduling the interview.

A good resume begins with an effective Summary of Qualifications or Executive Summary. If you would like more information or a free resume review, let us know.


Call Cathy at 778.878.6210 or fill out the contact form for a free, confidential consultation. Direct email address is [email protected].

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