Refreshment for my Soul

view from cabin

I am taking a few days with my beloved husband to refresh, wind down, and resettle.

As a writer, I spend my days helping clients achieve their dreams. So much of my energy is spent writing, studying, and practicing my art. My creative soul writing is set aside for others.

We rented a gorgeous place on the Sunshine Coast. A tidy little downstairs apartment with a full kitchen. Everyday, I cook a simple delicious supper for us using fresh ingredients. My husband and I deeply reconnect, talk about the little things, and plan for his retirement around the corner.

As many of you know, as a sole proprietor, getting ready to leave for a holiday escalates the busy. Packing, getting meals in for my son and his Nanna, and tying up loose ends for clients. Finishing off the last resume and cover letter before I leave. Cleaning the house and buying groceries for the trip. Much got forgotten this time!

By day four, I have settled into peace.

Peace in mind, peace in heart, and a still, quiet peace in my soul. My body has relaxed…I can write for myself. Spend time just me and the keyboard with no agenda. Ask myself … What do I feel? What do I know? Who am I?

I also relax into my husband, my soul mate, my partner, and my friend. We plan, we laugh, we talk, and we share. I sink into the depths of our almost 25 years together. We reminisce about past holidays, trials, joys, and our shared stories. It is so important to take the time to dedicate to your relationship. As a mompreneur, I am often distracted at home. My husband and our relationship gets back burnered with the clanging noise of clients, kids, grandkids, and aging parents.

On our holidays, I rejoice in being my husband’s wife. I celebrate my belongingness to my man. I immerse myself in creation and in the presence of my Creator. I rest, refocus, and remember my gifts, my blessings, my hopes, and my dreams.

What do you do to relax and refresh?

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