The Top 8 Advantages of Blogging for your Business

last updated: Aug 3rd 2020

To Blog or Not to Blog?

This is not a question. It is vital for all business owners to BLOG on a regular basis. Do you ever ask yourself what is a BLOG? Do you ever wonder what the fuss is all about? How often should you post a BLOG? What should you write about? There are many advantages of blogging for business that all professionals and owners need to know.

But first.

A BLOG or a weblog is an online journal or article on the internet. In a BLOG you can include pictures, links, video and as well as text allowing you the ability to be very creative.

I recommend posting an article at least once per week in order to fully gain the benefits of blogging. Your content should contain interesting, useful information that your target market will be likely to share.

To Blog or Not to Blog: The Top 8 Advantages of Blogging

1. It is free except for the time it takes to write and post an article.

2. A BLOG drives traffic to your website giving you the opportunity to promote your product to your target market.

3. A BLOG creates fresh, quality content for your website keeping your site Google friendly.

4. A BLOG can be used to inform or teach your customers and staff about your product and company.

5. A BLOG sets you up as an expert in your field and helps you build trust and a solid long term relationship with your current and potential markets.

6. A BLOG helps you increase your potential market by giving you access to people that traditional marketing does not provide.

7. A BLOG increases SEO optimization by the inclusion of key words, phrases and links. Once your website is optimized, potential clients looking for your services will be able to find you more easily.

8. Most importantly…….. a BLOG is free! As part of your overall social media and marketing plan, a BLOG is very affordable and works.

Many business owners become stalled, wonder what to write about and stress about perfect grammar and spelling. My advice is to put pen to paper and write about what you know.

Just set aside 10 minutes a day to free write ideas that your customers care about. After you get some ideas down, pick one and write three short paragraphs.

After you have written the three paragraphs, CAREFULLY check for grammar and spelling and have it proofed by a grammar nerd friend before posting it on your website, business fan page, twitter and all other social media platforms that you are using. Send it out via MailChimp or a similar email service provider to further spread the word.

Start your BLOG now and sit back and reap the benefits.

Feel free to contact me for additional information. Good luck and happy blogging!

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